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1.  Key contacts in your own backyard.
Distributors often don’t realize how many suppliers are in their own backyard. Participate with PPACW and make these new contacts.
2.  Benefits that save you time and money.
PPACW offers a robust list of value-added services and benefits like CAS/MAS-approved education sessions, coupon books, shipping discounts, social outings, member newsletters and much more.
3.  Low cost/high ROI.
The cost to join is so affordable, $175 per year, per company; however, the rate of return for meeting one new customer, or generating one new idea is highly valuable.
4.  Networking and peer support.
By making new contacts in your own community, you tap into a great pool for sharing ideas and industry knowledge.
5.  Membership lends credibility and professionalism.
Alignment with PPACW positions you as a professional in your area.
6.  Tradeshows.
PPACW hosts one of the Largest End User Show's in the United States.  This provides a marketplace in your own community for area distributors and suppliers to meet face-to-face and generate business.
7.  Professional development.
Membership with PPACW opens the doors for professional development through education and exposure to industry leaders and trendsetters.
8.  The Association does your homework for you.
PPACW serves as a filter for researching and delivering resources and tools from the industry’s national association (PPAI) that are applicable to its members, like industry certification and access to product search tools.
9.  Get to know other businesses in your area.
Membership in PPACW gives you the opportunity to get to know your competition on a friendly basis. Share the same concerns and compare notes on business management tools, like software.
10.  An opportunity to get involved and help shape the industry.
Volunteering with PPACW gives you a chance to get involved in the issues that will affect your business.  We have Volunteer Positions for our Events, Showcase or even on our Board of Directors.

Benefits of Being a Valued Member of PPACW

Networking Opportunities

PPACW organizes a calendar of professional and social events to support business networking. A full program of upcoming networking opportunities can be located on the Events page.

Member Discounts/Benefits

PPACW supports members in different situations. Members receive discounts, opportunities to visit special member-only events etc. You can see a full list of the advantages on the Membership benefits page.

Business Support and Advice

Thanks to the resources and experience within PPACW, as well as its strong business relationships across and outside the region, it is well-placed to assist members in finding relevant business information, support and advice.

Lobbying and Influence

Seeking members’ opinions on business matters and representing those views at county, regional and national level are fundamental functions of PPACW, as well as aiding with policy development on key issues affecting our ever changing Industry.


2625 Butterfield Road, Suite 138S, Oak Brook, IL 60523

 |  |  (630) 983-7722

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